What's The Stone's Message ?

What's The Stone's Message ?

You might found that The Eartha name the stones. Why, you ask? To be completely honest with you, nothing special! I just really enjoy doing that haha! You may have also noticed that I never mention the stones' properties. That is because their properties are quite general, and you can often find their special properties online for your own reference. So I much prefer to pay attention to a stone's message and energy (i.e healing properties mentioned in each stone) rather than its general properties. We've already touched upon a stone's energy in a previous article : What's The Stone's Energy, so you can have a look if you're interested. Simply put, a stone's energy relates closely to what it does to human body.

The messages from the stones come from the genuine communication one begins with it, just like how we do between individuals. When I communicate with them, I often ask simple questions, like "it there anything you want to say?' or 'Why do you want to connect with this special one?' I try not to limit the questions or messages, because I am a messenger. It's best to let them do their own speaking as long as they're happy!

Some people might be curious and ask, "How does one connect and communicate with the stones? What does it feel like?' All I can say is, some people can connect and communicate with nature and animals, and I just so happen to be able to do that with the stones! When I connect with stones, I usually feel the emotions of their ideal partners. For example, if a stone's partner feels sad, I would also feel the urge to cry. I sympathise with the heartbreaks too, so please take good care of yourself!

Some may also ask, 'If I can sense the stone's messages, does that mean a lot of people also sense them and feel the same way?' Well, the answer is, yes! If you resonate with the stone's message, even if you are not its ideal partner, it means that you have a lot to reflect on that topic. We must strive to improve ourselves for a better future.

It actually takes up quite a lot of my energy to connect with the stones. After each connection and communication, I would often feel exhausted. But I'm still happy to do so because the more you understand the stone and their messages, the more I wish to unite them with their right partners. I also hope to give everyone a new perspective to understand crystals / stones.

My final message is : as human beings, we face different challenges everyday, and we all have different ways to deal with it. But no matter what approach you use, the tools are but an assistant. What you choose to do is what is most important! Let's keep going together!




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